Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Today Avie and I went to the Golden Rec. center to go swimming. I decided to change Avie before we left the house as it is always a challenge to change her in public restrooms. (she totally freaks when I try lay her on a baby changing table. and for good reason. those things are nasty) Anyhow, this brings me to the point of my story. We get in the pool which was a lovely 95 degrees. I am gliding Avie around in the pool working on her kicking and she keeps pointing to the slide. So, we go over to the shallow part of the pool (about 1 ft deep) and I notice how cute Avie looks waddling in the water. Hey, wait a minute. Why does her butt look so big? and then I suddenly realize. crap, I forgot to put on her swim diaper. (her butt looks like a water balloon) Of course all she wants to do is climb up the slide exposing her butt to the lifeguards and other mothers in the pool. I casually whisk her up and grab her towel which was poolside. lucky!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

whew! Becca, I tagged you on a meme. You can check out my blog for the details. You don't have to do this though. It's just for fun.